If you don't think there's enough excitement at Disney, spend some time waiting for the bus. Just on this last trip, we saw two bus drivers get chewed out, and a lady in an ECV give a bus driver her "magic" finger. But this story is over the top!
See the video and read the story here.
Tip for the day--please don't hit your Disney bus driver. When you do that, it's pretty much guaranteed you aren't getting on the bus.
Geri, I don't even know how to respond other then to say, "What were they thinking?????" We waited in line with a 2 year old in a stroller and didn't expect special treatment in line! Seriously...75% of the people have small kids with them and they stand in line like everyone else. My husband and I got a kick out of this video. Riding the bus everywhere was his favorite part because normally on vacation, he is driving us all around.